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  • Writer's pictureSarah Marshall

Why We Participate in the OSHA Sponsored Safe + Sound Week

As the President of MSK, I value keeping our workers safe and healthy on the job and making sure they go home to their families every day. That’s why MSK is participating in OSHA’s Safe + Sound Week, June 12 through 18.

Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide effort to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs in workplaces that include management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to finding and fixing hazards in workplaces.

Safe + Sound Week is an important reminder that we all must maintain a relentless ‘Can Do’ attitude to our safety missions and goals.

During Safe + Sound Week, we will show our commitment to safety by walking the floor each day, hosting multiple safety meetings, and focusing on spotting safety successes by acknowledging workers who meet or exceed safety and health goals. These activities are designed to demonstrate management leadership in safety and health while engaging workers since they are the experts when it comes to the jobs they do and the tools and equipment they use.

Safe Workers, Sound Business

Participating in Safe + Sound Week can help us increase involvement and investment in safety and health throughout the organization. I would like to encourage all our workers subcontractors, office & field staff to join us by participating in OSHA’s Safe + Sound Week.

To learn more about our Safe + Sound Week activities and our safety and health programs, contact us at 843-789-3116. Thank you for supporting MSK and our ‘Can Do’ commitment to safety and health!

By: Mike Williams, President, and Safety Director

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